Sustainability - A Step Towards Reducing Our Carbon Footprint

Sustainability - A Step Towards Reducing Our Carbon Footprint

We take pride in taking a step towards reducing our carbon footprint.

What Steps Are We Taking Now?

  • We use bags that are a part of a zero-waste, reprocessing + repurposing (R+R) program in which the recycled bags are used for green construction gravel, light aggregate, hydroponic media, drainage media, & more.

R+R - Reprocess & Repurpose

  • We use compostable shipping mailers, printing labels & stickers to take a step towards sustainable packaging. Please see the video linked, by NoIssue, to view how to compost these items both at home & commercially.

  • Our coffee beans are also sustainably sourced by our partner roaster.

How are beans sustainably sourced? Paying sustainable prices to the producers is one way this is achieved. Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world; yet, over 80% of the 12.5 million farming families who produce coffee live below the poverty line. Coffee farmers face a myriad of challenges:

ECONOMICAL: Low coffee prices & a volatile market - these create a life of economic hardship for producers & prevent them from reinvesting in their farms.

ENVIRONMENTAL: Climate change is posing significant challenges for the future of coffee production, creating unsuitable/irregular growing conditions & further contributing to the economic instability producers are already facing.

SOCIAL: An aging & male-centric workforce, met with misperceptions of the coffee industry is discouraging the next generation of growers from maintaining their family businesses.

By paying more for this coffee, we are covering the cost of production + living today & investing in the larger goal of transforming coffee production into a thriving & sustainable business for all. Sustainability for coffee starts at the very beginning of the supply chain—with the coffee farmers.

  • These sustainably sourced beans are roasted using a method called "Air Roasting". In other words, the beans are roasted on a fluid bed of hot air as opposed to the traditional method of tumbling in a hot steel drum. 

What this does are the following:

  • Results are a more uniform roast, elevated flavor & improved eco efficiency.
  • Smoother, brighter, less acidic taste for our coffees.
  • This enables us to minimize their environmental impact by reducing toxic emissions & energy consumption.